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Our Group

Svetlana Kotochigova, Principal Investigator

Svetlana's research interests lie in the physics of ultracold atoms and molecules and ultracold chemical reactions. Her theoretical approaches are based on first-principle numerical calculations of the electronic structure combined with closed-coupling methods for the ro-vibrational motion of ultracold atoms and molecules. She enjoys collaboration with leading experimental groups in the US and abroad.

Constantinos Makrides

Kostas started to work as a graduate student in the Kotochigova group in 2012. He completed his PhD at University of Toledo in 2014 under supervision of Dr. Bo Gao. In 2014 he returned to our group as a postdoctoral researcher. Now, he is involved in the theoretical study of chaos in the collisions of magnetic lanthanide atoms, effects of conical intersections on chemical reactivity of ultracold molecules, and electronic structure calculations of neutral and ionic molecules.

Ming Li

Ming joined the Kotochigova group in October 2015. He completed his bachelor and master degrees at Peking University, China. Ming attended graduate school at the University of Toledo and defended his PhD in 2014 under supervision of Dr. Bo Gao. His main research interests are quantum magnetism with ultracold lanthanide atoms and the reactivity of atom-ion hybrid systems.

Alexander Petrov

Alexander is a visiting Professor in the Kotochigova group since 2008. He obtained his PhD from

Saint Petersburg University, Russia in 2000. Currently, he is affiliated with the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" and Saint Petersburg University in Russia. His research interests are in the electronic structure of molecules, scattering dynamics of ultracold atoms, and ultracold chemistry.

Chi-Hong (Isaac) Yuen

Isaac worked in the Kotochigova group as a Summer graduate student. He completed his bachelor degree in Hong Kong University in 2013. His current association is with University of Central Florida.

Isaac's research is related to charge-exchange reactions controlled with laser fields.

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